Saturday, October 1, 2011


I am sick and tired of hearing yet another tale about ex-U.S. Senator Carol Moseley Braun’s (D-IL) association with controversial campaign finance issues. This time she and her campaign staff failed to file the mandatory campaign quarterly disclosure statement specifying how $315,000 was spent during her unsuccessful run for Mayor of Chicago earlier this year.

Please check out the article that appeared in the Chicago Sun-Times:

This is another fine example of strong investigative reporting attributed to both the Chicago Sun-Times and NBC 5 Chicago. As the article notes, there are repeated examples of irregularities over the years with this well-connected minority politician. It is far past the appropriate time to legally demand Braun provide full disclosure and compliance with current laws.

No doubt she is collecting several pensions from the time she served in the Illinois House of Representatives, U. S. Senate, and as the U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa, but stories of questionable financial issues have haunted her for years. Isn’t it far past the time for her to be called to account?

Do you suppose that Braun knows where the political bodies are buried in the world of government in Illinois and Chicago, and other political figures are giving her a pass fearing Braun will “show and tell?”


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