Monday, August 15, 2011


Now that the Ames, Iowa Straw Poll has reduced the Republican candidate field by one and a new face has entered the race for the Presidency (Texas Governor Rick Perry), let us not cast ex-Governor Tim Pawlenty out of the conversation so quickly.

It is your Commander’s personal opinion that Pawlenty made some valuable contributions to the campaign. He brought forward some very interesting and accurate points for our consideration of the candidates. Obviously it is far too early to start picking winners and losers, but that process will take additional months and waste massive amounts of money before we see more accurate indications as to who is really the right individual to carry the Republican banner.

In one of Pawlenty’s responses during the Iowa Debate he took on President Obama’s record and verbiage rather effectively when he compared Obama to “a manure spreader in a windstorm.” When the dust settles, Pawlenty’s statement may just be the most accurate words to have been spoken by this entire bunch of presidential hopefuls.

Hold your noses people, because there will be a whole lot of manure spread around by Republicans, Democrats, and Obama, who is currently bussing around the Midwest spewing his old game of TRANSFERANCE – blaming everyone and everything for our current economic malaise, except himself or his appointees.

Pawlenty may be out of the action, but he should be thanked for alerting America to the fact that we must be aware and alert to everything we are told by eager fast-talking politicians. Look what we got when we did not listen closely and ask the hard questions. Obama sold the country a pig in a poke in the last campaign.


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