Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This morning opened with a bright shining sun and pleasant spring temperatures, but once I heard the newscasts and read my newspaper I was forced to take not one, but two Tums for the tummy.

The news of Congressman Mark Souder’s (D-IN) resignation after being caught in a sexual scandal, followed by Connecticut State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal’s admission that he MISSPOKE (oh, really!) about his service in Viet Nam, the voter repulsion of untrustworthy Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA), and the announcement that CNN is considering shamed sex craving ex-New York Governor Eliot Spitzer as host of a talk show made your Commander run for the bottle of Tums. I just wanted to puke.

The best thing that can happen to these despicable politicians is that they be totally ignored, and I would even suggest that they be shunned. They do not deserve one iota of our interest or sympathy. Liars and cheaters do not deserve our compassion or a second chance when they have so misused their vitally important status and trust as elected leaders. Go away, far away, and shame on you. These individuals are nothing but unworthy trash, and should be swept away never to be heard from again on our airwaves, nor in the pages of our newspapers.


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