Monday, May 31, 2010


Recently the City Fathers of South Bend, Indiana announced they conducted a survey that indicated there was a promising economic future for the city. This position is and has been heralded by the Mayor, City Council, St. Joseph County Board, Project Future, and their cronies at the West Side Democrat Club (one of the homes of Dingus Day political gatherings).

When I read those announcements and promotional self-congratulation palaver it struck me as totally ignoring the proven facts regarding the current economic climate in the northern part of Indiana. Tragically, the community is experiencing one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation, failing schools, a dysfunctional school board, budget and pension fund shortfalls, growing crime, runaway taxation, and governmental leadership with little or no understanding of economic realities.

Then comes along a reader poll in the local “Trumpet of Truth” (South Bend Tribune) which asks the question…

“Do you agree with the results of a recent survey that said 70 percent of people are optimistic about the economic future of South Bend?”

While the poll is not statistically sound, it does provide an indication of the public sentiment, and they clearly do not agree with the optimism of the local government’s mouth pieces. In the 4/20 issue of the paper the poll indicates that 28% agree and a staggering 72% disagree with their elected officials’ pronouncements.

Here we go with another clear example of a disconnect between the taxpayers and their elected or appointed government leadership. With that in mind I ask you…How do these politicians keep their jobs and keep getting re-elected?

Do you suppose our government officials do not read the local newspaper, or are they just ignoring their constituents’ concerns? The disconnect between our local government and the citizens is that the former thinks they are not hurting economically and the latter who feeds the trough are being bleed dry.


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