Friday, January 1, 2010


The first commentary of F. Robert's World appeared back on April 5, 2008 with the title “SPORTSMANSHIP IS DEAD,” and 73 different essays appeared through the remaining months of that year. In 2009 your Commander was surprised when he realized he had written 221 different postings; the last one was December 30th titled “THE HONEYMOON IS OVER.” It is a new decade and the blog’s third calendar year. The first blog of 2010 wishes one and all a very Happy New Year filled with good health, happiness and peace.

This blog is very rewarding to your Commander, because it provides an abiding desire to remain at least mentally active on a daily basis. The work keeps my mind probing for information, and permits me to stay up to date on current events as well as prodding my readers to consider crucial issues of our time. All too frequently politics occupies the blog, but the growing seriousness of that debate has caused the excessive concentration.

As I have stated before, it is not my intent for you to always agree with me, but I do want you to think seriously about the various issues. I intend to be a provocateur, and get more and more of you motivated to assure a strong and positive, financially secure and sane roll for the United States of America. We owe that to those who gave the full measure and our children.

Let me start the New Year with a suggestion that you read Charles Krauthammer’s latest article “War, What War?” Personally, I consider him to be one of the more important conservative commentators of our time.

Let us all join in prayer for a saner more peaceful world in this new decade. It will only happen if we all get off our backsides and demand honest, fiscally sound leadership that truly supports our Constitution, and not egotistical, elitist self-interests.


1 comment:

Texas Lieutenant said...

Bravo on your blog Commander and Happy New Year. It is my humble opinion, despite MANY really rotten situations, and disturbing problems, that there is much more RIGHT with the world than there is WRONG. I will do my very best to look for that bright side in 2010. I enjoy your reflections on Mike Collins and your encouraging New Year greeting! Thanks!