Thursday, April 16, 2009


There was a small article in my local newspaper the other day that caught my eyes. It covered a recent speech made by Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg at Ohio State University.

Justice Ginsburg stated that as the only women on the Court she missed her retired colleague Sandra Day O’Connor, and felt that there should be more women on the Court. Ginsburg stated that women bring a life experience to the court that men cannot. Before you jump to a false conclusion, I do not object to additional qualified women on the Court.

What I fervently object to is another statement Ginsburg made, “The Supreme Court of Canada has four women, including the Chief Justice, and the United States could benefit by looking at the legal systems of other countries.”

It is well articulated in Mark Levin’s excellent book “Men in Black” that several recent decisions of the Supreme Court have looked to foreign Court’s to assist them in reaching judgments. Your Commander suggests that the United States Supreme Court came into existence as a result of our Founding Father’s desire to establish separation from foreign influences. Further, they established the Supreme Court to make final rulings in interpreting the U.S. Constitution, not the actions of foreign government Courts. Numerous recent Supreme Court rulings have been products of opinions that are not supported by the very Constitution that the Justices have sworn to abide. Social engineering and patrician political influences are in essence drifting the Supreme Court away from its clearly articulated purpose.

The residents of Colonial America fought to free themselves of foreign taxes, intervention, and created some of the most highly respected documents of modern civilization with our Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and Constitution. Some recent Supreme Court decisions are in direct opposition to the thoughtfully crafted Constitution’s premise and guidance.


1 comment:

RobnTeegsMom said...

As we discussed yesterday Commander, how many have actually read The Constitution? Or, if they did for school, how many can recall any of what they originally read?