Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Scanning the internet each morning as I do I ran across a very interesting and informative series that is appearing weekly on The Washington Post website. It is titled “FIVE MYTHS”, and it covers a wide variety of subjects. If you open the link below there is a list of the articles that have appeared since late January 2011.


As you can see there are very significant subjects addressed such as Yemen, American prisons, liberal academia and the United Nations. It is very easy for you to read any of these important articles by simply clicking on the title at the link above.

Your Commander has garnered a lot of new information as a result of reading this series, but keep a vigilant eye for the liberal vent that frequently appears within the pages of The Washington Post. It never hurts any of us to hear the other side’s point of view. I commend The Washington Post for carrying this series and providing their readers with a valuable service.


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