Monday, December 28, 2009


There are only a few more days left to write 2009 at the top of correspondence. As I continue into my 79th year on this marvelous place called Earth, I am more grateful each and every day for what our creator has granted me. To enjoy the wondrous features and experiences of life are truly amazing and something that we all too frequently take for granted.

I have been blessed with a wonderful wife and two successful, loving children. My four grandchildren have been a source of great joy and pride to all, and I know to their parents as well. Your Commander bursts with pride each and every day. Despite all the confusion and contention facing our democracy, life is good and it is something all of us should never take for granted.

What lies ahead for all of us in 2010 is unknown, but we must all strive everyday to achieve peace and goodwill among all peoples of the world. The alternative is totally unacceptable, and we must keep going daily to the plate to take a swing of the bat to all the problems facing mankind.

To my readers and friends, I wish you a very Happy New Year filled with much joy and happiness.



RobnTeegsMom said...

Happy and Healthy New Year to you Commander!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Commander! Keep up the great writing. I enjoy every blog! God Bless America!

Morning Coffee said...

Commander K, Your year end observations are perfect! I am so glad to have 'discovered you' and reconnected via the Internet. I enjoy your blog and your point of view. Happy New Year to you and yours.