Friday, July 3, 2009


Well I have just finished reading Dick Morris and Eileen McGann’s new book CATASTROPHE, and maybe I can save you some money. If you’re a regular viewer of Fox News Channel or Fox Business Channel, then you have probably heard all the basic information related in this just released book.

Team Morris continues to be a two-trick pony act, because their basic theme continues to be bashing the Clintons and Obamas and little else. While your Commander has a common concern and distrust of those two political forces, I suggest that my horizon extends well beyond them to include many other suspicious individuals and world-wide issues. I am different too, because Team Morris is too commercially oriented, and your Commander is completely non-profit with obligations to no one, but his personal code of ethics. There is, however, no question that Morris and McGann have an impressive scope to their research and statistics, which I found to be both refreshing and informative.

Additionally, I found their chapter covering Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT) and Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY) to be quite revealing, and at the same time totally disgusting. The self-indulgence and disregard for appropriate conduct by these two long-standing elected officials is beyond reason or understanding. As urged by Team Morris, I am personally writing both Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), head of the House Ethics Committee, calling for a full disclosure of their investigations into Dodd and Rangel’s activities. Pelosi promised a prompt inquiry many months ago, but as is typical in Washington nothing seems to happen when there is a problem with another member of their inner circle.

Both Dodd and Rangel should have already been thrown out of office, and be incarcerated. No doubt there are several other elected officials in Washington who deserve a similar fate. If you did not know it before, reading this book proves that crooks reside in the Halls of Congress with their collective insider dealings, corruption, arrogance, and negligence. It is clear that many of our elected officials believe they live under a different set of rules than you and me.

Based upon the amount of publicity and promotion that has been given to CATASTROPHE, I am not surprised to learn today that the book has already become the number one seller on the New York Times best seller list. Frankly, if you want to read this, I suggest you pick up a copy at your local library and save a few bucks during our economy’s malaise.


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