Thursday, May 21, 2009


While I am still struggling through Jon Meacham’s well written AMERICAN LION: Andrew Jackson in the White House, I recommend it particularly if you are a history buff. The details that Meacham brings forward are truly amazing, but sometimes it seems over the top.

As I have written earlier, I frequently read three or four books at the same time because time restraints dictate when I have sufficient time to delve into heavy reading works or I am not in the mood for a particular genre.

I just finished and strongly recommend best selling author David Hagberg’s THE EXPEDITER for quick reading and maximum adventure. David’s work is new to me, but he has written over twenty-five different spy stories, and this one is his 2009 thriller that takes the reader from Florida to Washington, to North Korea, Japan, back to Washington, back to Japan, and finally home to Florida via Washington. Within 351 pages the hero racks up several thousand miles on CIA aircraft, Chinese Embassy planes, and a North Korean Hovercraft. The lead character is deeply involved in preventing a nuclear attack that would cause millions of deaths from Asia to the United States.

This tale of intrigue ends with a cliff hanger, so no doubt there will be more adventure from our hero in the near future. I was so impressed with Hagberg’s creativity that I intend to hit my local library and read some of his earlier books.

Get your favorite beverage, and lounge in your most comfortable chair as you start turning the pages of THE EXPEDITER.


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