Wednesday, March 31, 2010


As March 2010 comes to a close, I ran across a shocking article in USA Today. In the Nationline column the following information was disclosed:

“Cash for good behavior: Mixed results

"An experimental program that paid out $14 million to poor New Yorkers for good choices, such as getting health insurance and attending parent-teacher conferences, reported mixed results for its first two years. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said more people saw the dentist, established bank accounts and stopped using costly check-cashing services because of Opportunity NYC Family Rewards.

The rewards had no effect on school attendance for young children or low-performing high schoolers. The program, financed by private donations, paid about $3,000 a year per participating family.”

I know that your Commander is getting old. I recognize, too, that I am considered quite conservative, but this kind of a welfare program is simply nuts. If money is the only factor that will motivate proper behavior and life choices, then the recipients have totally lost their compass.

Fortunately public dollars were not used to pay these poor dysfunctional families, but isn’t this another program brought forth by the welfare entitlement policies long promoted by big government? Based upon Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s comments, he apparently endorses this program, and I say shame on you for participating in another “pay for play” vote buying welfare program. Apparently all the crazy people are not in the mental institutions, but I already knew that prior to reading this article.


1 comment:

RobnTeegsMom said...

The solution is so very simple - if your kids are attending school on a regular basis - you get your welfare money. Hey - it might actually lead to all those deadbeat parents finally taking responsibility for their children!