Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Anyone who ever met the Commander knows that he has never been called a diplomat. I suspect that it comes from his genes, and his 100% late Irish Mother Genevieve Margaret Finnegan. On the other side, his Father was 100% German, and a soft-spoken gentleman. Lately the tone of my writing has been stringent to say the least and I attribute it to the subject matter, so it is with great pleasure that I address a suggestion with a very positive theme.

Within the last month a magazine came into our home that I had never seen or even had heard anything about. I recommend that you take a look at Conde Nast Portfolio, which is a magazine loaded with business intelligence. When I read the August 2008 issue I ended up reading every page from beginning to end and I cannot remember doing that with any other magazine. The article on Angelo Mozilo and Countrywide is truly must reading.

When the September 2008 issue arrived I did the same thing again, because the articles were well written, informative and most interesting. Being a retired broadcaster, I found the article on NBC’s Jeff Zucker and the future of network television to hit the nail on the head.

Take a look at their web site and then get a copy of the magazine. Your Commander thinks you’ll be equally impressed with the content.
Your precious time with Portfolio will be time well spent.


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