Wednesday, January 26, 2011


That title should get your attention, but more importantly it is my desire that it will motivate you to read a very important article that appeared recently in the Wall Street Journal. There have been numerous occasions over the years when the subject of race and the economic condition of black citizens have been interjected into the political debate in both a positive and negative way.

As I have written on numerous occasions, I believe the writings of Walter Williams, the Economics Professor Emeritus of George Mason University, are significant. He has a reasoned and important voice in our country.

Jason L. Riley, a member of the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board, wrote a piece about Williams’s new book, Up from the Projects. Take a few minutes of your very valuable time to check out Riley’s article. In his book Williams writes, “The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do…And that is to destroy the black family.”

Let me suggest that this material should receive wider distribution. It would be an invaluable contribution to widening the conversation toward reaching a solution to the growing problems within the black community. Those problems cause economic hardship to all segments of our country, and thus require our prompt collective attention.


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