Thursday, January 6, 2011


As the new Congress began to conduct business this morning the members of the House read aloud the U.S. Constitution as part of the opening session. Amazingly, here we are in 2011 and this was the first time this cornerstone document was ever read out loud in chambers.

What was a great idea to renew awareness of this inspiring document quickly became another part of political theatre or an outright farce. Did you notice, as I did, that as each member of Congress read their assigned passage they left the room and each speaker was left to address an almost empty room?

The effort to read the Constitution before the entire nation via television/cable coverage before Congress was a good idea gone wrong. This fiasco was conducted by the individuals who we elected to lead our nation forward. WOW!

Every single elementary student should be taught the Constitution and subsequently tested regarding their knowledge of the document. Additionally, every single Senator, Congressman, and President should be required to read the Constitution and sign a document that they complied. Should they take the test, too?

I certainly hope and pray that today’s experience is not an omen for the success of this session of the House of Representatives. Based upon the example set this morning we are all in for rough sledding, so turn up your collar, because I fear it will be a long winter as we experience the reality of Al Gore’s “global warming”.


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