Sunday, February 15, 2009


For a change of pace let us not discuss politics or our government’s warts.

I have just finished reading David Halberstam’s THE COLDEST WINTER. A long read, but well worth the investment in time. This book has been a real eye-opener for me, bringing back long forgotten memories of my time in Korea some fifty-seven years ago. Halberstam’s extensive research has provided important insight and answers some old questions that have now properly educated me in long misinformed positions relative to the Korean War. Unfortunately, the weakness of our political leadership (Truman) and even our military (MacArthur) caused the unnecessary loss of life of hundreds and maybe thousands of United Nations soldiers.

It is still not too late to get a copy of THE AMERICAN’S PATRIOT’S ALMANAC. As I have reported earlier, I start each morning reading the very interesting events that occurred on that day in our nation’s history.

If you have interest in action adventure stories, you surely will enjoy the New York Times best seller by Jack Higgins, A DARKER PLACE. I believe that Higgins is one of the very best in this genre and you certainly will not be disappointed in this new book. Higgins’ normal lead characters are not the principles in this story, but the story line ties all his older characters into this intriguing Russian spy story.

Last and certainly not least is a small book that will not be of interest to anyone who voted for the Democrat ticket, who is a liberal, an ACLU supporter, or a big booster of President Barack Obama. If you just stop reading now you may not be subject to severe stomach upset. Bernard Goldberg’s New York Times bestseller A SLOBBERING LOVE AFFAIR is a very interesting, easy read relative to our main-stream media’s overt bias and events related to our recent election.
I found Goldberg’s chapter relative to the threat of the return of the Fairness Doctrine to be most accurate and an issue of significant concern to all Americans.

Happy reading, and don’t worry I’ll be back to addressing my on-going concerns about what is happening to our great United States of America.


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